website for business in Harborne
Find out how it'seeze Web Design Birmingham helped this local charity with their online presence 
About Cerebral Palsy Midlands 
Cerebral Palsy Midlands is a charity that provides a day care service for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities in Birmingham, with the aim of supporting and empowering their clients. 

Why did they need a new website? 

The charity’s previous website was poorly designed and out of date. The main challenge they faced with it was that they were unable to make any changes themselves, and as they had lost contact with their former website designer, this meant that their site quickly became redundant, as it no longer provided people with relevant, up-to-date information about the organisation’s work. 
Worried about working with another freelancer who could potentially leave them in the same situation, Cerebral Palsy Midlands were looking for a trustworthy local company who could provide them with ongoing support and a guaranteed point of contact. 
Thinking of a new website? Get in touch. 
How have they benefitted from their itseeze website? 
Cerebral Palsy Midlands wanted a website that could serve as the main communication channel for the centre’s users, donors, and the family members of people with cerebral palsy. Thanks to the easy-to-use website editor, they can now update their new it’seeze site regularly with their upcoming events, news about recent activities, and much more. 
MailChimp has been integrated into the site so that visitors can easily subscribe to the centre’s newsletter to receive regular updates, and the font size has been enlarged throughout the website to create a great user experience for people with sight difficulties. 
Modern, easy to use, and fully editable, the new Cerebral Palsy Midlands website will continue to grow along with the organisation’s needs. 
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