Increase in phishing attacks
Phishing is an attempt to obtain sensitive information (such as passwords or financial details) through emails that appear to come from a trusted party (such as a bank or service provider).
A more sophisticated form of phishing, called 'spear phishing', involves a deceptive email that is customised using details of the recipient to make it look more plausible.

Phishing attacks are made easier by the fact that emails do not authenticate the 'From' address, so anyone can send an email pretending to be from anyone else. You may, for example, receive an email from a false address such as administrator@[your domain name], claiming there is a problem with your account and asking you to log in through a website that is controlled by the hacker but designed to look legitimate.
While we have monitoring software in place to alert us if any of our customer email accounts are hacked, the only defence against phishing is user education. You can report a phishing attack or suspected attack to you. Check the links below for more info:
Phishing advice from Citizens advice:
Phishing advice from Norton:
We also advise that any phishing attacks are reported to Action Fraud:
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